
Showing posts from March, 2011

Unongu Shares Mind: Wikileaks CABLE: 'Supreme Court Bribe'

Unongu Shares Mind: Wikileaks CABLE: 'Supreme Court Bribe' : "Wikileaks CABLE: 'Supreme Court Bribe'"

Wikileaks CABLE: 'Supreme Court Bribe'

Wikileaks CABLE: 'Supreme Court Bribe'

Unongu Shares Mind: THE CHURCH OF OUR TIME: Seven Churches of Revelati...

Unongu Shares Mind: THE CHURCH OF OUR TIME: Seven Churches of Revelati... : "THE CHURCH OF OUR TIME: SEVEN CHURCHES OF REVELATION IN PERSPECTIVEByUnongu, Moses Atogo Introduction..."

THE CHURCH OF OUR TIME: Seven Churches of Revelation In Perspective

THE CHURCH OF OUR TIME: SEVEN CHURCHES OF REVELATION IN PERSPECTIVE By Unongu, Moses Atogo Introduction: “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit… As it was in the beginning, it is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen”. “When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray’. We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.” The above quote by Bishop Desmond Tutu, South African Man-Of-God and Nobel Peace Prize winner sums up the numerous struggle and resistance posed by Africans during the spread of Christianity by Missionaries. It also gives an insight on the feelings of traditionalists in Africa then, and even now. Christianity mainly concerns the Christian religion and Church , from the ministry of Jesus up to contemporary times and denominations . Christianity differs most significantly from the other Abrahamic religions in ...

Unongu Shares Mind: VAMPIRES: Myth Or Reality???

Unongu Shares Mind: VAMPIRES: Myth Or Reality??? : "VAMPIRES: Myth or Reality???Vampires are beings who subsist by feeding on blood of living creatures (e..."

VAMPIRES: Myth Or Reality???

VAMPIRES: Myth or Reality??? Vampires are beings who subsist by feeding on blood of living creatures (especially human blood). A Vampire is either born so, or, a clean and straight human made vampire by another vampire.  Although vampiric entities have been recorded in many cultures and in spite of speculation by literary historian Brian Frost that the "belief in vampires and bloodsucking demons is as old as man himself", and may go back to " prehistoric times", the term vampire was not popularized until the early 18th century, after an influx of vampire superstition into Western Europe from areas where vampire legends were frequent, such as the Balkans and Eastern Europe , although local variants were also known by different names, such as vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania . This increased level of vampire superstition in Europe led to mass hysteria and in some cases resulted in corpses actually being stak...