The Significance of Holy Water
Water is a very vital element of human existence. The significance of water to Christendom, therefore, cannot be overemphasized. Holy Water is considered as a sacramental in the Catholic Church. Holy Water is a symbol of spiritual cleansing. Holy Water reminds Catholics of Baptismal promises said every Easter. Our Saviour Jesus Christ typified this by His works and hallowed utterances in the Bible. Wherever Christ was, there was water. Let’s try to enumerate if we can;
1. Christ is Baptized in water
2. When called to a marriage at Cana, Christ inaugurated the first rudiments of His power with water.
3. When He is engaged in conversation, Christ invites those who are thirsty to come and have a taste of His everlasting water.
4. When teaching of charity, He approves of a cup of water offered to a little one as one of the works of affection.
5. Christ healed on Sabbath day using a mixture of saliva and water.
6. At the well side in Samaria, Christ recruits Himself by analyzing the very element of water.
7. Christ walks upon water; by His own choice, He crosses over the water.
8. With water, He makes Himself a servant to His disciples by washing their feet.
9. When He is given up to the cross, Pontius Pilate used water as evidence to wash his hands off the crucifixion.
10. When He received a spear wound during His persecution, water burst forth from His side.
In furthering the understanding of the significance and efficacy of water, Saint Hyppolytus of Rome, in his discourse on the Holy Theophany, writes:
Good, yea, very good, are all the works of our God and Saviour – all of them that the eye seeth and mind perceiveth, all that reason interpretes and hand handles, all that intellect comprehends and human nature understands. For what richer beauty can there be than that of the circle of heaven? And what form of more blooming fairness than that of the earth’s surface? And what is there swifter in the course than the chariot of the sun? And what is more productive of supplies than the seasonable winds? And what more spotless mirror than the light of the day? And what creature more excellent than man? Very good, then, are all the works of our God and Saviour. And what more requisite gift, again, is there than the element of water? For with water all things are washed and nourished, and cleansed and bedewed. Water bears the earth, water produces the dew, water exhilarates the vine, water matures the corn in the ear, water ripens the grape cluster, water softens the olive, water sweetens the palm-date, water reddens the rose and decks the violet, water makes the lily bloom with its brilliant cups. And why should I speak at length? Without the element of water, none of the present order of things can subsist. So necessary is the element of water; for the other elements took their places beneath the highest vault of the Heavens, but the nature of water obtained a seat also above the heavens. And to this the Prophet himself is a witness, when he exclaimed: “Praise the Lord, ye heavens of heavens, and the water that is above the heavens.” [End of quote]
The ritual use of this precious substance called water is ancient and rooted in the Bible. When the Israelites enter the Temple of God, they had to undergo purification by immersion in a Mikrah. These ritual purifications by water prefigured Christian baptism, which Catholics recall when blessing themselves (cross themselves) using Holy Water upon entering the Church. Devoutly blessing one’s self with Holy Water remits venial sins.
Howbeit, it bothers some people why salt should be added to water to make it ‘Holy’. It is NOT the salt that makes the water Holy; the presence of salt in the Holy Water is to show forth some additional cleansing power of God. Salt has traditionally been added to Holy Water, and has its own special blessing attached to its use. Salt is essential to good health. Blood, sweat and tears are surprisingly salty. Salt is thus a mineral with lasting effects. Sprinkling of salt in the Holy Water is done in reference to the Prophet Eliseus who sprinkled salt over water for the purpose of cleansing. Recall that in the Gospel of Matthew 5:13, Christ referred to genuine Christians as “the SALT of the earth”.
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